Alpha Lipoic Acid as Strong Anti-oxidant

Product name: Alpha lipoic acid Other name: thioctic acid Appearance: yellow crystal powder Assay: 99%



Basic information:
Product name: Alpha lipoic acid
Other name: thioctic acid
Appearance: yellow crystal powder
Assay: 99%
Test method: HPLC
Melting Point: 60.0~62.0℃ 
Molecular Formula: C8H1402S2
Molecular Mass: 206.33
Specific Optical Rotation:-1.0°~+1.0°

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant that is soluble in both fat and water. Alpha-Lipoic Acid directly recycles vitamin C and indirectly recycles vitamin E, providing additional antioxidant protection. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is also an important component in the energy production process in the cells. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a mitochondrial compound that is highly involved in energy metabolism. It is synthesized in the body and can be consumed through eating meat. It is also minimally present in some fruits and vegetables.

In supplement form, it has shown benefit for various forms of oxidation and inflammation. These effects protect against heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and neurological decline associated with aging.

Alpha-Lipoic is a potent anti-oxidant compound. It works with mitochondria and the body’s natural anti-oxidant defenses. ALA is also seen as an anti-aging compound since it can reverse some of the oxidant damage related to the effects of aging.

1.Anti-glycation, stabilize blood glucose level.
2.Strengthen liver function, enhance the ability of detoxify.
3.Prevent Alzheimer’s.
4.Antioxidant, anti-aging and scaveng free radicals.

1.Diabetic neuropathy complication medicine.
2.Food supplements, health-care products.
3.Used as an antioxidant for the treatment of diabetes and HIV. It also has been used for cancer, liver ailments, and various other conditions.

Oral dosage of alpha-lipoic acid given in numerous clinical studies ranges from 300 to 1,800 mg daily. It also is given intravenously at similar daily dosages.

1. Our alpha lipoic acid complies the standard of USP38&EP7.0. Product quality is high.
2. GMP certificate can be provided.
3. Source manufacture, can offer customers lower price with high product quality.

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